
All the Softwares

Monday, November 22, 2010


This is what i was talking about earlier in my previous blog. Yes.. I'm posting my blogs through scribefire.

Quick Look:
Let me just give u a quick info on what scribe fire is.
Scribefire is a firefox add-on or an extension through which u can post blogs. To show u how it will look like, I've taken a screen shot of me writing this blog.

I've distorted my browser shortcuts for personal reasons. Anyways. This is how scribefire will look in your browser after you install it.. And no.. its not gonna stay that way and block your browsing space. I'm sure the developers are not so stupid to do such a thing.
If you notice the small yellowish scribble pad icon on the bottom right corner of the browser window, that's the Scribefire icon which helps you to bring up and minimize the scribefire blogging interface within the browser.

Ok.. now that we are done with all the basic stuff... Lets go deep into the option available in ScribeFire...
Like the usual text editors you have the Bold, Italics, Underline, Strike through .. Increase font size, Decrease font size, change the font color.
You can also attach links, attach photos like i've done so just above this.. and .. you have the ability to attach youtube videos now.. !...
Ok... Enough of editing...

Lets go to how things get posted using scribe fire..
When you install scribe fire and get it running you need to set up your blogging account first. All you need to do is type in your blogging address... type in your id ... password .. and youre all set to go...
Posting a blog is as simple as typing it down and clicking.... Publish to "<your blog name>"...
ScribeFire has also integrated a preview option through which you can look at how your blog will look like right from the scribefire window..
The thing i like about scribefire is you can minimize and continue writing it when you feel like. For example.. In case you are browsing the web and blogging about the website you are on .. You can bring up scribefire when you need it and minimize it when you want to browse more..
Another thing i really need to mention about this is support for multiple blogs... this can be really useful when u have blogs about many topics..

The share icon present at the left corner of the scribe fire window can be used to share the current page on the browser to many of the predefined services. Like...
Facebook... Digg... Reditt... Stumble upon... Propeller.. Fark ... and Newsvine..
This can be accessed by clicking the share button which looks like the one shown below..

On clicking this Share button the window brings out another window which looks like the one below...

Well thats all about it ... Install the software and digg in... and youll get to know more.... For more information log on to ...
(Click the Link)

I'm Back...

So its been a long time .. so i thought ... well maybe i need to get back to this.. this is the only place where i can talk and talk about techy stuff and still not care about people listening to me or not. We'll the next one will be about something i am using to enter this blog in... Well what else could it be other than going to the website and typing your blog in the place allotted and posting it. Those days are gone now... Read the next blog to see what i'm talking about...

Monday, June 14, 2010



If you have accounts everywhere. Windows live, Yahoo, Gtalk, Facebook etc etc... and you want all your chat buddies in one place then look no where else ... Trillian is the software for you. Its amazing interface will blow you off. Well! atleast i seem to love it  :)... 

The interface looks something like the one shown on the right. Well of course you have a lot of themes to select from. 30 maybe. I'm not sure. But you've got enough to select from. I feel comfy with this black. Its light on the eyes.

Trillian is fast and i like it for that. Smoooooooothh.. 

Youve got a lot of options to make trillian look the way you want it to. 

Tabbed chatting is one feature i love about trillian.  Ctrl + Tab and i can switch from one tab to the other while chattin.

Loads of smileys to match with your yahoo and windows live clients.. Personally, I use a lot of smileys. :) :D :D

I don find a lot of faults with it except for the fact tat its a lil heavy. But then... For the kinda features it has. I guess we can sacrifice a lil.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Stumble Upon

Listen up.!.. If u are one of those people who like learning a lot from the net or discovering interesting things from the net or u like to watch a lot of new documentaries or u like READING for that matter, whatever, then this one is for u. Stumble upon is  a website. It gives u all the latest news and the most interesting stuff on the net. All you have to do is to get yourself a free account and configure your profile in a way you want it to be. By configuring i mean, choosing your favorite topics that you would want Stumble upon to find for u.. or in other words the topics u want to STUMBLE UPON.. ;)... !...

Ive known this for a long time now. But recently got into it again and i can tell u one thing.. ITS A BIG HIT ALRIGHT.!!.... Actually.. It has become a big hit and i came to know it only now since ive been outta touch for a long time. There a about a billion users i guess..

Every time a click on 'stumble' it gives me something new. Something new to read. Some new fact to learn. Something new to laugh about. Something new to LISTEN TO... Something new to watch... EVERYTIME SOMETHING NEW!..

And hey... Guess what .. they have a firefox extension too. Just add the STUMBLE UPON addon to your firefox and boom!... stumble right from ur browser without loggin on to stumble upon.

They always say give more than u receive don't they. Well that goes for this one too. Obviously if u are a learner you'd obviously go for a hunt on the internet and YOU WILL stumble upon something interesting.!. DO YOU LIKE IT ?... THEN LIKE IT !!.... There is an " I Like it" button on the stumble upon addon toolbar. Just click it and u can add the interesting stuff u find to the stumble upon database and add it to your favourites too. People get to see what u have stumbled upon and if they like it .. all they gotta do is click "i like it"... your post now has two "i like it"s. Popularity of the post increases with every LIKE... And more popular posts are viewed by more people and the popularity increases more.. By the way when u find somethin interesting on stumble upon click on the I LIKE IT button to promote. I consider it a duty to click on the button every time i feel something is really good.. There is also a Thumbs down button just in case u don't like what u see or if the content posted is inappropriate or if there is any adult content in it.

For more details log on to


Friday, February 26, 2010

GMX Mail

Hello everyone... I'm back with a different kind of a review. Its about an email service i started using lately. Its called the GMX mail. Sounds new to you? well yeah most of them ask my email id the second time just to clarify what i was saying. GMAIL or GMX. The usual convo goes like....
Wats ur email id ....
its ...
say wat..?
yeah gmX!..
Whats so special about gmx. Well nothing much. But if you are looking for a good email id. This is it. Grab it before someone else does.:).
I got just what i wanted. Which is <my name> That is pretty good isn't it!. Since there aren't a lot of users in it. I got what i wanted. Check out and see if u get the one you want.
Besides that. The features. You get 5gb of storage which i feel is good enough for me. I don't think i need a lot of space for my messages. 5gb is more than enough for me since i am going to use this as an official mail (which means i will not use it to register it anywhere to get those bugging news letters which you might find interesting at sometimes but mostly you tend to delete it) to receive mails from friends and colleagues for which i have to reply soon.
GMX also has a FILE STORAGE facility (recently introduced) in which u can store files upto 2 gb, which of course is a small thing but for those word documents and pictures and music files which u want to access from anywhere it is good enough i suppose.
Besides that. Tabbed browsing of mails as soon as u enter into your mail account. A good address book. Its easy to work with too. The interface is pretty clean. Nothing unwanted. That is what i liked the most about it. The interface is very clean and simple. You must love it if u are a normal person.
So my verdict. If u are in need of a good email address for official use, with a clean interface, this is the one for you. Try it out.!

Monday, February 1, 2010


Yoono... The Add on for Mozilla firefox....
Have yoono .. and you can throw the flock away.. well at least, thats what i did.
Yoono is a complete solution to bring all your social sites and chats in one place and that too as a sidebar in the firefox. You get all the updates in the sidebar. I'm personally using facebook, gtalk and windows live messenger with yoono and im very comfy with you....

Sunday, January 31, 2010


Mozilla did it again .. Back to the top as my personal favourite..!.
Well it was there all this time, well maybe, it wasnt there, but anyway! .. I just added a few add ons and i'm loving it!.. One was a social networking add on called Yoono, and the other is a blogging add on through which i am posting this blog right now.. Ill talk to you about these two great add ons in my next blog.! For now.. TC!

Friday, January 8, 2010

Bit Comet vs u Torrent.. part 2

New Update for the bitcomet vs u torrent clash....
 After some experience having both bit comet and u torrent running in my pc... i can say one thing now .... Use Bit comet if u are really a big fan of it .. or u really really really need to see the preview of the movie u are downloading before downloading it FULLY...
 cos there is so much to u torrent that hit me ... its small .. and it doesnt suck system memory AT AL .... and the whole app is small .. only in KB size... plus.. it downloads seamlessly in the background while im browsing.. thats one thing that really impressed me .. when bit comet is running behind ... I KNOW that its running behind.. when u torrent runs its very rare that i even realize that its runnin there in the background downloading stuff i asked it to ..!!... really impressive.. i never looked at it in this aspect in my previous blog... it struck me only few days back.. so verdict... I SAY U TORRENT...!

Blogged with the Flock Browser

Ploblem with the Flock...

I had a problem with flock browser recently..... and i couldnt use it for a long time .... cos the main purpose for which i downloaded the browser was lost.... it was to use it as a browser which could handle my social networkin sites plus the mails, blogs and video websites....... Im even writing this blog from flock.... ive become a big fan of it .. sadly there are not many people i know who are a fan of flock... partly because they've gone beserk about the whole "social networkin sites are harmful to ya" idea.... i do agree with it partially... but then i think it depends on the people who use it too .. today i thought id do somethin productive for sometime .. i did..i did do it ... now im back to browsing... anyways.. not our point of interest here anyways isnt it..

Getting to my point... (YOU CAN READ IT FROM HERE IF YA JUS NEED THE SCOOP).... i couldnt post my comments... nor videos.. i wasnt able to share anythin.. wen i compose a message and i click send.. it does not respond... and i didnt know wat was happenin ... but the main purpose i installed this browser was to have a good browsing experience with facebook... ... i posted my issue in .. ."" .. which is apparently somethin like the customer care..  ok.. anyways... i posted my issue.. and i did get the reply .. .in wat... ten days i guess... good.. i thought i wouldnt get any replies.. so thats good right.. somethin is better than nothing... ;)... i was asked a question.. which i knew from the mail i recieved regarding my post... and i thought i'd go reply it .. and from morning i am not able to access the link where i posted my query... meanwhile.. i opened my flock browser... and i tried facebooking from it .. and .. viola... it was back to normal... facebookin with flock is really good i tell ya... !...

I have one issue left.... which i will post in soon.... there is this wonderful option in flock which enables u to keep facebook chat open even though u are browsing other sites... the thing is ... the facebook chat is enabled in the browser itself as an addon.. rather than loading it from the website everytime... but ... ever since i installed this browser im not able to use that option... gotta get to the bottom of this... :)....
Blogged with the Flock Browser

Friday, January 1, 2010

Flock Browser.....

Well recently... very recently.. i came across flock browser... and well!!... its amazing.. i loved it .. practically loved it .... everything in one box. connecting with the people in facebook is now easier than ever for me .. and guess what .. i am even writing this blog from the flock browser itself..!.. isn't that amazing..!.... This blog editor seems to be better than the one there in the website itself.. i love it .. and .. adding pictures to this is easier than ever.. ...!... anythin u want from any website.. just drag and drop it .. .

i've just posted a screen shot below...

Will post more updates when i find something interesting...!

Blogged with the Flock Browser